Saturday, 28 February 2015

Blog Post #8 - New Brunswick -- THE CANARY IN -- CANADA'S -- COAL MINE?

edudyorlik's blogspot

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Blog Post #8 - New Brunswick -- THE CANARY IN -- CANADA'S -- COAL MINE?

(If you wish to read the story it can be found {in light blue} at the end of this post)
The mayor of New Brunswick’s capital city (Brad Woodside) stirred up a hornet’s nest Friday for comments he Tweeted, suggesting duality in government departments should be reviewed.
--- "Woodside set Twitter on fire Thursday night after tweeting:
“Bilingualism I understand, duality makes no sense. This should be on the table Mr Premier as we look to save money. You asked.”

--- "Woodside said he only raised the duality issue because of Premier Brian Gallant’s public call for citizen engagement in advising the province on how to reduce the deficit and bring down the cost of public spending."

--- “There’s a lot of things that have been in place for a long, long time and we are in over our heads in debt, and we have a provincial government that has asked the public for ideas and suggestions,” Woodside said.

--- “Why can’t the province address the issue and explain to the people of New Brunswick why it’s necessary and why the cost is necessary. I think the vast number of New Brunswickers don’t understand it and don’t support it and it does require dialogue. There’s nothing wrong with dialogue.”

--- “This has to do with government departments and the duality of those. Nobody wants to talk about it because it’s contentious. Dialogue is probably the best way to solve the problem.” 

And these last two final quotes which contain the obligatory -- please don't strip the skin from my living body, I am NOT AGAINST bilingualism, I AM FOR FAIRNESS -- style additions.

--- “My idea is take a look at it. Justify if it’s necessary or possibly could save money. I’ve made it abundantly clear I don’t have a problem with bilingualism."

--- "This isn’t meant to offend or cause problems with the bilingual nature of our province."

As you can see, the story deals with Mayor, Brad Woodside (you can find Brad Woodside's tweets on twitter) and his mere suggestion that the cost of "duality" in that province should be reviewed as it could save millions.

He was simply trying to identify areas (as requested) where budget money could be saved and have a conversation about those suggestions.

Once again, the "other side" has turned a mere legitimate suggestion of dialogue into an effective way to quell any modicum of talk about how duality and bilingualism has gone completely out of whack in this country.

A conversation that has gone from a completely understandable ideal way that Canadian's could find ways to accommodate one another,  without going further into debt and without services being affected, into a device of power and control with one side {the FPTB} continuing to gain more and more power every single minute of every single day as they desperately cling to those gains by completely stomping out ANY legitimate voices of concern from ALL other sides.

What's worse is they are stomping out these legitimate voices of concern using peer pressure and bullying style tactics which lumps all voices, even those of the legitimate nature, into the the same unsettling incorrect cauldron.

These tactics are familiar because they were the same tactics that were previously -- well used and abused -- {ie: the term "bigot"} back in the mid 70's and 80's by the FPTB in order to quell any opposing views from ANYONE.

The mere "suggestion" that "duality" could be an area that is trimmed to save millions was meet with suggestions that Mr. Woodside was against the French and against bilingualism etc etc etc... Which of course, IS NOT TRUE AT ALL.  Like most of us, he is obviously FOR FAIRNESS and NOT against a healthy form of bilingualism.

Oddly enough, when one takes the opportunity to check, it would seem that, judging from rhetoric like this, 

 it seems more like they, {the FPTB} are the ONLY ONES who are against bilingualism


Maybe, just like how Canadians took back the use of the phrase "Merry Christmas"  with exuberant fervor this past holiday season {I imagine everyone noticed how over the top that was}
the "bees nest" does have to be shaken 

and the "Twitter-verse" does need to be set on fire

with a renewed push for a healthy debate about human rights which SHOULD INCLUDE 

--- LANGUAGE RIGHTS in this country.

After all, it's pretty evident how much of a sacred cow bilingualism and language issues are.

When one sees Canadian news personalities {this was on the news last night} getting very heated and worked up {rightfully so} about how the woman in Montreal was discriminated against as she was told she could not proceed and have her court case heard unless she took off her head scarf (Hijab).

But not getting getting "heated and worked up" or giving a damn when well documented cases like the following ---

1) - A  dying man is ordered to speak French to a hospital intern

2) - A woman arrives at a hospital in an ambulance with chest pain but is turned away from receiving treatment because she asks for that treatment in English


3) A Montreal, Quebec paramedic tells 
a worried mother and father that they 
must speak to him in French before he can treat their young daughter who is unresponsive and suffering an unknown (at the moment) health trauma

--- occur which involve flagrant discrimination based on language in  --- A PROVINCE (Quebec) which is  INSIDE THE COUNTRY OF CANADA ---

Not one Canadian news personality would even touch the issue of these kinds of "language based" human rights atrocities that were committed against these Canadian citizens in the province of Quebec.

Very few -- IF ANY -- ever mentions these blatant language discrimination cases as "a comparison" in their talking points.

As a matter of fact, these human rights violations based on language rarely receive ANY MENTION AT ALL
once the initial news story is done and over with.

It's as if they cover the story because well, NOT covering the story could cause a worse problem.
Then, they hold their breath and move on to the next story in the hopes that no one really notices and gets mad enough to be politically and socially active.

Not one of these language discrimination situations received even one tenth (I'm being generous) of the attention  coverage from our Canadian media that is now being focused on the story with the woman in Montreal.

It would seem that Joy Dykeman put it best when she replied with the following.

Joy Dykeman: 

"Listen to the frantic spewing of the francos when it is suggested that the anglos and others no longer accept the status quo and want dualism revisited because it serves only one purpose - to give to the french and take from the English speaking majority. Hope to hell they all cancel their tickets for the meeting in Edmonton - the country would be happy to have a peaceful, quality meeting, open for truth and respect....WAY TO GO have exposed the racist, bigotted radicals among us.....we stand firmly behind you."
Yes Joy, Canadians do stand firmly behind putting an end to the idiocy of spending billions of scarce tax dollars on programs that are over the top
and OVER serving to a tiny portion of the community.  

Programs that push well beyond the equal rights and needs of the whole community.

We all need to shake the proverbial bees nest and set the twitter verse on fire.

--- Perhaps it IS TIME that we all ACTUALLY DO literally and physically  --- STAND BEHIND --- these people.

The time for saying -- AND NOT DOING -- has passed.

Support MUST BE  --- IN THE FLESH -- 

PS: For the record.
I admit that I would have much less of a problem with this judges decision if the woman had been wearing the full face covering (Burka)

That may seem hypocritical to some but, I believe there is a level of distinct difference in the two garments AND THUS, I don't believe society (especially in the times we live in right now) should allow full face covering in "public" areas {banks, school yards, courts, etc etc etc)

{unless it's a specific type of parade or festival or whatever which takes place in one area and as one specific type event}.

The original story:

( from Moncton Times and Transcript by reporter Brent Mazerolle). Posted on

The mayor of New Brunswick’s capital city stirred up a hornet’s nest Friday for comments he Tweeted, suggesting duality in government departments should be reviewed.
The New Brunswick Association of Francophone Municipalities vigorously denounced Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside’s comments.
Woodside set Twitter on fire Thursday night after tweeting: “Bilingualism I understand, duality makes no sense. This should be on the table Mr Premier as we look to save money. You asked.”
The tweet was shared more than 120 times, sparking a lengthy chain of replies.
The association issued a statement Friday, calling upon Woodside to retract his comments.
Richibucto Mayor and association president Roger Doiron said it’s hardly conceivable that Woodside wants to reopen a language rights debate.
“I was at the time surprised and shocked when I learned about the content of the Mayor Woodside (Tweet). This is both unacceptable and irresponsible on his part,” said Doiron in a news release from the association.
“As (Woodside is) president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, which is an organization representative of bilingual French and English municipalities across the country, it has the moral duty to defend the language rights of both official language communities,” Doiron said.
“We ask him to make amends and to retract,” he said in the news release.
He also called upon the federal municipalities group to disavow Woodside if he fails to reaffirm support for language rights.
“It is irresponsible for Mayor Woodside to throw oil on the fire and make comments only serve to identify a scapegoat. Such amalgams, serve to feed the speech of a tiny minority of the population of this province who does not want recognize our rights as Acadian and francophone communities,” said the association president.
Doiron said his association represents 53 francophone and bilingual municipalities in New Brunswick with a population base of 280,000.
Dieppe Mayor Yvon Lapierre suggested a boycott of the national conference of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, scheduled for June 5 and 6 in Edmonton, because of Woodside’s comments.
“I’m certainly cancelling my ticket,” he said, adding he would encourage other mayors to do the same.
“I know it does not reflect the views of the FCM, but when you have the president making those statements — he’s been travelling the world, literally, as a representative of the FCM and he’s the mayor of the capital of the only officially bilingual province.”
Of Woodside, Lapierre said, “I think he forgets how many hats he’s wearing.”
“I’m sorry my friend Brad is going to be upset with me, but I’m very upset with him right now,” Lapierre said.
But Woodside said he didn’t issue the tweet to spark a debate about bilingualism in New Brunswick.
Instead, he said, he wants a calm discussion about the cost and need for duality in government departments and in public services.
Among the first to reply was Edmundston Mayor Cyrille Simard.
“Dear colleague. You really want to put duality in education on the table?” he tweeted, prompting Woodside to reply with: “Education and health Mr Mayor.”
Simard replied: “Canadian Constitution Act Art. 16.1 (1).” He also said health isn’t really a dual department.
But Simard could not be reached Friday by The Daily Gleaner for further comment.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms recognizes the uniquely bilingual nature of New Brunswick by singling out the province in a number of articles connected to guarantees of bilingualism.
It is 16.1(1) that declares, “The English linguistic community and the French linguistic community in New Brunswick have equality of status and equal rights and privileges, including the right to distinct educational institutions and such distinct cultural institutions as are necessary for the preservation and promotion of those communities.”
Duality of health care isn’t explicitly called for in the Charter, unless you count hospitals as cultural institutions, another section, 16 (3), says, “Nothing in this Charter limits the authority of Parliament or a legislature to advance the equality of status or use of English and French.”
While New Brunswick’s two health authorities are divided on linguistic lines, there is an expectation of service in both official languages at any provincial health facility.
Woodside said Friday in an exclusive interview with The Daily Gleaner that he didn’t want to continue the discussion because he doesn’t want to continue to fan the flames.
“It’s really a lightning rod and whenever you talk about language, it brings out the best and the worst in people,” the capital city mayor said.
Woodside said he only raised the duality issue because of Premier Brian Gallant’s public call for citizen engagement in advising the province on how to reduce the deficit and bring down the cost of public spending.
“There’s a lot of things that have been in place for a long, long time and we are in over our heads in debt, and we have a provincial government that has asked the public for ideas and suggestions,” Woodside said.
“My idea is take a look at it. Justify if it’s necessary or possibly could save money. I’ve made it abundantly clear I don’t have a problem with bilingualism.
“Why can’t the province address the issue and explain to the people of New Brunswick why it’s necessary and why the cost is necessary. I think the vast number of New Brunswickers don’t understand it and don’t support it and it does require dialogue. There’s nothing wrong with dialogue.”
Woodside said the tweet “certainly has been taken out of context and used for other purposes.”
“I’m surprised how some people have interpreted the response, but once again that’s social media,” he said.
“There’s people coming out on both sides of this issue in a pretty mean way. It wasn’t my intention to get down into the dirt.

This isn’t meant to offend or cause problems with the bilingual nature of our province.
“This has to do with government departments and the duality of those. Nobody wants to talk about it because it’s contentious. Dialogue is probably the best way to solve the problem.”
The Fredericton mayor said he chatted with the mayor of Edmundston.
“I’m only suggesting ways that the province might save some money and this is one of them,” Woodside said.
“Given the constitutional nature of the comments in question, the commissioner believes that it is more appropriate for government and our provincially elected officials to clearly reaffirm the constitutional right of both linguistic communities in New Brunswick to have distinct educational institutions and such distinct cultural institutions as are necessary for their preservation and promotion,” said Hugest Beaulieu, the director of public affairs and research at the Office of the Commission of Official Languages for New Brunswick.
When it comes to the public purse, given the province’s fiscal outlook, nothing should be exempt from a review, Woodside said.
“When they’re discussing these matters and the public brings these matters forward, there should be a reasonable explanation from (the provincial) government.”
“Take out the emotion. Take out the issue of bilingualism and talk about duality and inform the public. That’s all. It’s not a debate between me and people. It’s not my program. It’s a discussion the province should have for the people of New Brunswick,’’ said the Fredericton mayor.


·  Joy Dykeman Listen to the frantic spewing of the francos when it is suggested that the anglos and others no longer accept the status quo and want dualism revisited because it serves only one purpose - to give to the french and take from the English speaking majority. Hope to hell they all cancel their tickets for the meeting in Edmonton - the country would be happy to have a peaceful, quality meeting, open for truth and respect....WAY TO GO have exposed the racist, bigotted radicals among us.....we stand firmly behind you.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015



It seems the Ottawa city manager has recently been forced to have to deal with a group of "Franco-Ontarian" hard liners who have decided they want to try and force / bully the city into spending thousands of dollars to have the City's entire 900 page (300,000) word preliminary budget translated into French so that perhaps four French people who are perfectly able to read English can feel warm and fuzzy and just as comfortable as a bug in a rug just knowing it is has been translated into French.  There seems to be no extremely valid reason to waste thousands of tax dollars doing this other than to be able to say the this tiny minority was able to force its will upon -- everyone -- else.  You know, just like the FPTB are forcing their will upon everyone in practically  all government agencies right now, and also how they are doing the reverse and forcing their majority will on the minority English speaking people in the province of Quebec as well.  Something they have been doing for decades now.

I am -- ever so slightly -- exaggerating about the four readers of course but... REALLY ? 

Here is the -- part of the article describing the bullying tactics used .. opps I mean to say, here is part of the ... Droit article written --
which has been roughly (very roughly :) Google translated [with my additions in orange and in square brackets]

Google Translate -
I talked about in my column last Friday of the preliminary budget of the City of Ottawa which is only available in English on the City's website.
But on the same site, the City states that "this report is available in English only and could be translated, in part or in full on demand". Then added that this request should be directed to the Manager of Finance, Tom Fedec. [I hesitantly admit that they should not have said it could be made available but, can we all just imagine the  grief the city would have received had the web site flat out said, "it's not available in French and WILL NOT be made available in French?"

Mais non... Cest une situation "non gangnant"
or rather, "a no win situation."

A situation, incidentally, that is similar to how the French complained that the new auditor general could not speak a word of French.  "NOT EVEN A WORD" one minister shrieked.  Mon dieux.

Then, when the AG did learn, and attempt to use, the little French he had learned, a very rude young minister told him not to bother as his -- not up her selfish standards -- attempts were "wasting everyone's time."  Lovely... ]

So, I asked for via email to Mr. Fedac a full translation of this preliminary budget.  His response was that the city does not produce the full budget in French given that the document is much too large.  [Perhaps, Mr. article writer, you could have offered to pay the thousands and thousands of dollars it would cost for this request of yours to be done in order to appease such a tiny number of people, and which, if you didn't pay, would no doubt have a huge direct affect on the very budget you are referring to]
So we told the French taxpayers to make the request, [ah yes, good ol bullying tactics.  You and your clan seem so well versed in these tactics] and when they did it, [mais oui] they are sent to pasture. [oh, do you mean "sent to pasture"  in the same way that all the English speaking people in the province of Quebec have been "sent to pasture" for last several decades now whenever they ask for, or request any similar things in English in the province of Quebec? That kind of "sent to pasture?"] 
And Mayor Jim Watson will have the nerve to repeat that official bilingualism in the City of Ottawa is not necessary since the practical bilingualism works very well ... [I guess he learned this "doublespeak" from Marois and all the other lovely FPTB in the province of Quebec.  The old, Marois style ... "Don't worry, your rights (as an English person in the province of Quebec) will be fully protected" false promise.] 
A little upset by this unacceptable response from Mr. Fedec, I invited readers of this paper to request  a complete translation of the preliminary budget. [I'll bet you did, you.. you... you go_get_em Mr. take_charge_kind_of_guy, you.]
And nearly 80 of you have requested[imagine that]
So that, on the morning of Friday, someone at the City prepared a generic French response sent to all French taxpayers who have requested by email. Everyone has received the same answer. And here it is:
"Thank you for your email regarding the preliminary budget 2015 the City of Ottawa. Please note that all documents are not translated systematically into French for various reasons. Regarding the translation of the draft budget 2015, it is 900 pages in length with an average of 350 words per page, an estimate of 300,000 words in total. It is estimated it would take three months translation service to translate the document. The budget would be adopted before the translation is completed. (...) If specific parts of the report on the preliminary budget interest you, please let me know and I will bring in terms of our resources. "
It is signed: Tom Fedec
"* some answer. [yes, it is "some answer."  It is also THEEEEE answer that the MAJORITY TAX PAYERS --- 
of this province who would end up having to pay those extra thousands and thousands of tax dollars for this insane request while they give up even more services and so on just to appease you and your tiny flock,
--- would expect him to reply with]
First, what does that mean, "all documents are not translated systematically into French for various reasons"? Why? And why these documents are not written in French while they are in English? Would it be a question of money? [uhmm err.. Yes... You got it Mr. article writer.  That's correct.  It is a question of money.  PLUS, it's not a practical idea either.  Not to mention the ridiculous fact that you are trying to tell Canadians that there are people living in this country [Canada] that CANNOT function in [ENGLISH?] the main common language of the very country they live in?] Uhmm, Do you think if you went to say, Russia, you would find natural born Russian citizens there who couldn't speak Russian?  Just askin...

Second, we say we estimated it would take three months to translate this document. OK. So why has not started his translation or the version in French there ... three months? Would it be a question of money? [Ding ding ding ding.  Right again Mr. article writer.  These counsellors spent months hammering out the subtleties of this budget while also trying to figure out ways to keep costs down so that the "tax payers" (remember them?) would not have higher tax rates with less and less services.  Have you heard of or, heaven forbid, had to directly deal with wait times in hospital emergency rooms lately?]

And finally, what does Mr. Fedec say when he invites taxpayers (and I stress the word "taxpayers") Francophones to request specific parts of the budget, if they wish, and it will bring to the the resources? [Under that warped logic Mr. article writer, If ALL TAX PAYERS are to get what they want then let me be first, if you please.  I want a brand new hockey arena in my local park.  I also want my garbage picked up 3 times a week and my streets plowed twice a day in the winter.  Oh and reduce my tax bill by 18% if you please... Etc etc etc.. Suffice to say that EVEN -- YOU --  Mr. Article writer, must get the drift.  There is NO POSSIBLE WAY to give every tax payer -- every -- thing -- they desire just because, they (like you and your tiny clan) desire it.  

Please try to be reasonable Mr. article writer.  You know, reasonable, just like your kin are when it comes to the "English TAX PAYERS" in that other province.]
What resources? Human resources or financial resources? Or both? Because in both cases there is question of money.  [I am sure you MUST be getting it by now.  YES, money. That's right... OUR MONEY.  The money that comes from the English speaking majority in this city / slash / province -- and might I add.. country]

In fact, Mr. Fedec - even the City of Ottawa - could sum up his long answer in seven words: "forget it, bilingualism costs too much." [Well, that seems to be what the FPTB in the province of Quebec are telling the rest of Canada anyways.  Oh wait, they have gone one step further and actually been so bold as to use the following nine words "BILINGUALISM IS A NUISANCE in the province of Quebec" to "sum things up" from the FPTB perspective.  YIKES... ]

This is what I take from that response. Hence why I find it completely unacceptable. [Yes, the RoC finds this forced unilingual French ONLY situation in the province of Quebec UNACCEPTABLE ALSO.  But, something tells me you have little to zero concern for the plight of English speaking people who are being repressed and treated like "second class citizens" in the province of Quebec though. And I wouldn't hold my breath in anticipation of any articles you would write in their defence.]
The French taxpayers pay the same property tax that the English taxpayer. So why did he not entitled to the same services? [Uhmmm actually no, they don't "pay the same taxes" Mr. article writer.  Their tiny numbers make up such a small percentage of the population in Ottawa, Ontario that their input would not even contribute enough to purchase the envelopes it would take to contain all the translated budget documents you and your clan wish for the city to waste thousands of dollars on in such a useless way.  Now, if you REALLY -- want to go there --  Let's just say it would be ditto for the English speaking property tax payers in the province of Quebec -- TIMES 10 -- since Quebec receives much of it's sustenance (Canadian tax payers money) from the 80% non French tax payers in this country.]
It's called being second-class citizens. And this is a crass injustice.  
[Oh my good lord.  Ya know what Mr. article writer?  If I close my eyes REAL TIGHT your use of the phrase "second class citizens" leaves me 100% positive that you MUST BE referring to the English speaking Canadians who live in the province of Quebec.  

Yes, that's it, isn't it?  That's who you have been referring to all along, It's the English speaking people in Quebec who you are fighting for, right?  It's them, isn't it Mr. article writer.  The second class English speaking Canadians in the province of Quebec, right?

If you REALLY WANT TO KNOW what "a crass injustice" looks like or what being treated as a second class citizen is all about then, check out this video and see how the English language and English speaking Canadians are treated in the province of Quebec CANADA


At what cost?

We (the tax payers) are already seeing the price of many things rise within the this budget.  This alone should demonstrate to you Mr. article writer that everyone is bending over backwards trying to keep the tax hike at just a 2.5% increase.

And secondly...

This tiny group of residents who live in a city that resides within a country which has English as the common language of the land is trying to tell the majority to shell out thousands and thousands more tax dollars under the pretense that this tiny group of people cannot function enough in the language -- of the very country they live in -- to be able to understand the city's budget?
This is crazy.


Ya know, whenever these types of insane requests are made with the added finger pointing and negative misuse of the phrase "second class citizens" I can't help but be reminded of ALL THE HYPERBOLE that exists on the...

Things like the reverse type situation you see in this video where an English resident (you know "English" as in, the people that make up the majority in this country,  or more importantly the majority -- 96% of the population in the province of ONTARIO -- for this example) makes a request that their local politician reply to questions, at his town meeting, in the main common language (ENGLISH) of the very country they are in, only to have the alderman in question -- not only refuse to answer in English -- but then, turn around and accuse the man of being provocative? REALLY??? 

Then, you look at how few comments and reaction (or input) there is on these forums where the people actually have the opportunity to HAVE A SAY and a VOICE when it comes to their objections or concerns about this kind of TOTAL INSANITY, and it makes you sad to see that there are a total of maybe five, and none seem to drive home the point of how ridiculous this actually really is ...

PS: This type of -- WASTE OF TAX MONEY -- also makes a good case against the idea being pushed by these tiny very vocal groups to make Ottawa an "officially bilingual" city.

Why?  Because if they get their way and Ottawa is forced to declare itself "officially bilingual" then this enormous cost / slash / waste of all tax payers money becomes -- MANDATORY --

Please take a moment to go to this  link and let others know what  -- YOU -- THINK


Addendum --- This just in...

See update here
Click -- dismiss, then click translate when you are taken to the page

It would seem that Mr. Article writer has found a way to waste thousands of dollars of tax payers money after all.  

Yes, he has.  He has cajoled (opps I mean to say, sent out a request) which was dutifully answered by a group of "12 young francophone" students attending the University of Ottawa (students who btw MUST already have the ability to read such a thing as an English city budget -- in English -- just to be able to even attend the so called "bilingual" University of Ottawa.)

How stupefyingly wasteful this is as a way to make a point.

I sincerely hope that some elderly person, who no longer can benefit from some service that gets cut off as a result of YOUR inane and childish tactics, does not break a hip and suffer immeasurable pain as a result of YOUR bullying style, money wasting idiotic tactics.

You sir, and those like you (ie: our old pal Michel Thibideau), do an enormous  disservice to the majority French people in this country as you make ALL OF THEM appear to be just as unbelievably selfish and uncaring as you and Michel obviously are. 

Who knows, perhaps it will be THEM (the good, kind -- supposed majority -- French people in this city who see how idiotic and wasteful your requests really are) who will be the ones to come out against you.

That would sure drive the point home and prove that the majority of French people don't see things as selfishly and narrow mindedly as you folks, -- supposedly from the tiny minority -- who claim to represent them, do.

Just sayin... :-)

Sunday, 15 February 2015



Hello everyone,

I received an e-mail this morning from a concerned Canadian by the name of Barry.  

Barry (like MANY OF US) is concerned about how much power and control is going to the powers that be { PTB } in the province Quebec and to the French powers that be { FPTB } within Canada in general.
He (like many of us) is concerned that, despite the FACT that Canada is made up of approximately 80% + English speaking Canadians, the power and control of this country is gradually being handed to the tiny minority of Canadians known as the  { FPTB }.

The kicker is... Barry is right.  
Not only is he right but this "control" has an exponential element to it which is growing each and every day.

That's right.  More and more members of this clan ---

(as a result of the inequitable official bilingualism criteria which was set up by one of their own, a fella you may know by the name of Pierre Elliott Trudeau)

--- are qualifying for more and more influential positions within our government and other areas of power in this country.  

This is then followed by those who are already in those ranking positions of power turning around and seeing to it that others from their own clan are being put into various other positions of power down through the ranks.

A self perpetuating POWER AND CONTROL GRAB.

The following is Barry's great e-mail which includes his great suggestion for a solution, and then my response to it.


Hey friends,
Representation through taxation - therein lies the answer. Contact the Canadian Constitutional Federation and check into 3rd party representation... We can't just hold back our taxes but we can have a constitutional level lawyer hold them until we negotiate with government over a satisfactory agreement on the terms of this constitutional revision. No representation - no taxation. Why does Quebec have most all of the federal departments cantered there? When did this all begin? Who agreed with it? Who benefits from it? 58% of all Federal Transfer Payments!! For decades now!!

And then consider how this have-not province (PQ) is leading the pan-Canadian roadmap, AKA the economic development plan as announced in the 41st Session of Parliament, first sitting. The condition of French Primacy leads the charge and makes their billions in contributions contingent on this sole purpose. How do they have the money to invest? How is dairy subsidized in PQ and now NB has the longest standing businesses, Northumberland Dairy, bought out by Quebec? Lies, unethical misappropriation of funds and a hidden agenda that uses federalism and misplaced trust to lead the propagation of Official Language Apartheid to drain us and build them!

Quebec wanted a referendum and got it in 95 because a group called APEC (Alliance for the Protection of English in Canada) proposed declaring towns in Ontario English ONLY. Now New Brunswick is littered with French ONLY towns (Dieppe, Atholville, etc.) and, as is the case in Ontario, we are also saddled with Bill Z22 Sign Laws that violate the Freedom of Expression through this use of Chartered Rights that supersede Constitutional Rights. This rouse of promoting bilingualism is suddenly threadbare as we hear Harper's Office and all federal policy proclaim they are promoting the French identity here and abroad despite growing concerns supported by facts and thousands of protests across the country. I'll leave you with a few quotes that show the true human rights view - note the dates and the key players in relation to our so called Constitution.

"The French language is mandated for use by government and its agencies throughout the country's capital in an effort to promote the French language, therefore there is no longer a career for Anglophones in the federal civil service in Canada" Dr. Marguerite Ritchie, President of the Human Rights Institute of Canada, admitting during a panel discussion in 1995.

"I cannot swear it but I think we were thinking to ourselves,... we are a small group, Trudeau, Pelletier, Marchand, Lalonde, Chrétien, myself and a few people in the civil service, say 50 all told…we were bringing off a revolution. We held the key posts. We were making the civil service bilingual (French), kicking and screaming all the time". Jean-Luc Pepin, Minister of Industry, 1970.

"Unilingual Anglophones will be sentenced to a lifetime of job immobility" - Pierre Trudeau.

" ....Given these facts, should French-speaking people concentrate their
efforts on Quebec. or take the whole of Canada as their base? In my
opinion, they should do both; and for the purpose they could find no
better instrument than federalism", Pierre Trudeau, Page 31 "Federalism"
Yours in Unity,

My reply --

It would seem to me that Barry may indeed have the SOLUTION. 

What is needed?
Someone who can organize this concept.

A SMART and trustworthy constitutional lawyer to set up an account where Canadians who are not being represented fairly can divert their tax funds.

All funds are then directed to this account in such a way that everything is well documented and secure.

Arrangements made so that any interest accumulated can be set aside for either a charitable donation or a fund to pay for the legal representation etc etc.

Then, once the government comes knocking, or once they respond to the formal letter advising them that this money is being held this way in this fund until we get representation, the lawyers attained will begin the negotiation process.

At that juncture it's simply a matter of addressing the points that Barry outlined in his e-mail and allowing the lawyers to do what layers do in order to redress this situation and bring it to a more equitable state.

This unjust, inequity CANNOT go on any longer.

The idea of contacting our government with our concerns only to receive standard form letters saying,
"thank you for contacting us, please be advised that ... " blah blah blah is, simply put, -- a lame tactic -- which is getting us nowhere and accomplishing nothing except for solidifying the idea that we are indeed being "politely ignored."

It would seem that there are only two possible ways to change this, and potentially be heard.

1) Barry's suggestion (which is a good one)

and or

2) thousands of us marching on Parliament hill on a regular basis
until something is done.

We are after all, STILL THE MAJORITY

Perhaps even both these methods will be needed, who knows.

All I know is that because of how Trudeau set things up, the people in the west believe the people here in Ontario are "IN ON IT" yet WE'RE NOT.

It is also pretty clear that the people here in Ontario are being controlled by the FPTB just like everyone else. 

And thus, we are -- ALL -- being taken advantage of and being ignored.

In line with what Barry was saying,
CHECK OUT this video
It speaks to one of the inequities of this situation.

How is it that the tiny 17.5% FPTB and Quebec control the dairy market in this country.

How can things like this be deemed fair and be allowed to continue unchallenged?

While discussing this with my wife last night, it occurred to us that we had both heard of examples in the news where the FPTB in the province of Quebec, (acting as a legitimate country) are wooing large computer game makers (and other large companies) to set up shop in their province with incentives and tax savings worth millions (maybe even billions) of dollars.

This, from a province that is so in debt that their level of debt is compared {see video} to other actual -- real countries --

Meanwhile they are simply a province which uses our own Canadian "majority English" tax payers money to compete directly against us (Canada the country) and other countries for the the benefits of having these companies set up shop and bring in jobs, stature and future tax revenue to -- their province--

Then of course, there are -- THE EMBASSIES --

ALL Canadians should be aware of the FACT that the FPTB, in the province of Quebec, have 26 embassies 


Yes, that's right... 26 embassies

scattered around the world which Canadian tax payers are paying for.

What does a "province" need with embassies that are normally entities which legitimate COUNTRIES have?

The FPTB in the province of Quebec believe (and act) as if they are 
-- A COUNTRY -- 
yet they continue to receive transfer payments (our money) as if they are a province. 

Something is dreadfully wrong here ... 


It makes me so angry when I think of how Canadian tax payers in this country are being shafted and taken advantage of in THESE WAYS as the FPTB continue to assume MORE AND MORE POWER AND CONTROL.

Time to wake up and act ?
